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How to use Virtual Patching to protect your site

Protect against CSRF

Architecture layer: modsecurity

Use when you want to introduce a CSRF token and cookie to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery.

The basic strategy for protecting against CSRF is taken from Patching Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerabilities Using WAF on the HT Bridge blog.

# In summary:
# - If no token exists:
#   - Create a CSRF token using ModSecurity
#   - Send the token as a cookie
# - Add the token to the form post using inserted javascript
# - On POST, check if the cookie value matches the posted value

# If we're on a product details page, create a CSRFToken cookie if none exists:

# Skip this section if we're not on the right page:
SecRule REQUEST_FILENAME "!@beginsWith /product/details" \

    # If there's no token cookie, create one from the UNIQUE_ID:
    # (set a var and an environment variable)
    SecRule &REQUEST_COOKIES:csrf_token "@eq 0" \
        "id:2051, phase:2, chain, pass, nolog, \
         t:none, \
        SecRule UNIQUE_ID "^(.*)$" \
            "capture, t:none, t:sha1, t:hexEncode, setvar:TX.csrf_token=%{TX.1}, setenv:new_csrf_token=%{TX.1}"

    # Also, if there's a cookie, but it's the wrong format, create one:
    SecRule REQUEST_COOKIES:csrf_token "!^([0-9a-f]{40})$" \
        "id:2052, phase:2, pass, nolog, \
         t:none, t:lowercase, \
        SecRule UNIQUE_ID "^(.*)$" \
        "capture, t:none, t:sha1, t:hexEncode, setvar:TX.csrf_token=%{TX.1}, setenv:new_csrf_token=%{TX.1}"

    # If an environment variable new_csrf_token is set, then send a new cookie in the headers
    Header set Set-Cookie "csrf_token=%{new_csrf_token}e; path=/; httponly; secure" env=new_csrf_token


# If there is a good cookie we can grab it and set it in csrf_token
SecRule REQUEST_COOKIES:csrf_token "^([0-9a-f]{40})$" \
    "id:2053, phase:2, pass, nolog, \
        t:none, t:lowercase, setvar:TX.csrf_token=%{REQUEST_COOKIES.csrf_token}"

# Hash the CSRF token used in the cookie with a secret, to make it ready to insert in the page
SecRule TX:csrf_token "^(.*)$" \
    "id:2054, phase:2, capture, pass, nolog, \
     t:none, \
SecRule TX:csrf_token_sha_input "^(.*)$" \
    "id:2055, phase:2, capture, pass, nolog, \
     t:none, t:sha1, t:hexEncode, \

# If we're on a product details page, insert a CSRFToken hidden field:

# Skip this section if we're not on the right page:
SecRule REQUEST_FILENAME "!@beginsWith /product/details" \

    SecContentInjection On

    SecRule &TX:csrf_token "@eq 1" \
        "id:2061, phase:2, pass, nolog, t:none, append:'\
            var csrf_token_sha = \'%{TX.csrf_token_sha}\';\
            document.forms[2].action += \'?csrf_token_sha=\' + csrf_token_sha;\


# If there's a post to /Product/AddComment, then check the token is correct
SecRule REQUEST_FILENAME "@beginsWith /product/addcomment" \
     msg:'CSRF Token check failed - No arg token provided Cookie:%{TX.csrf_token} SHA-Cookie:%{TX.csrf_token_sha}',\
    SecRule REQUEST_METHOD "@streq POST" \
        SecRule &ARGS_GET:csrf_token_sha "!@eq 1"

SecRule REQUEST_FILENAME "@beginsWith /product/addcomment" \
     msg:'CSRF Token check failed Arg:%{ARGS_GET.csrf_token_sha} Cookie:%{TX.csrf_token} SHA-Cookie:%{TX.csrf_token_sha}',\
    SecRule REQUEST_METHOD "@streq POST" \
        SecRule ARGS_GET:csrf_token_sha "!@streq %{TX.csrf_token_sha}"

Be sure to enter your own secret value in place of REPLACESECRETHERE.